PUBLICATIONS Elbon CE, FJ Stewart, JB Glass. 2024. Novel Alphaproteobacteria transcribe genes for nitric oxide transformation at high levels in a marine oxygen deficient zone. Applied and Environmental Microbiology e02099-23 Paris ER, N Arandia-Gorostidi, B Klempay, JS Bowman, A Pontefract, CE Elbon, JB Glass, ED Ingall, PT Doran, SM Som, BE Schmidt, AE Dekas. 2023. Single-cell analysis in hypersaline brines predicts a water-activity limit of microbial anabolic activity. Science Advances 9,eadj3594(2023).DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adj3594 Huard DJE, AM Johnson, Zixing Fan, LG Kenney, M Xu, R Drori, JC Gumbart, S Dai, RL Lieberman, JB Glass. 2023. Molecular basis for inhibition of methane clathrate growth by a deep subsurface bacterial protein. PNAS Nexus 2:1-8 GT Press Release Butkus CR, AO Warren, ES Kite, S Torres, S Naoz, JB Glass. 2023. A note on graphite hydrogenation as a source of abiotic methane on rocky planets: a case study for Mercury. Icarus 400:115580 Glass JB. 2023. What is the role of microbes in gas hydrate formation and stability? Environmental Microbiology 25:45-48 Guth-Metzler R, AM Mohamed, ET Cowan, A Henning, C Ito, M Frenkel-Pinter, RM Wartell, JB Glass, LD Williams. 2023. Goldilocks and RNA: where Mg2+ concentration is just right. Nucleic Acids Research. gkad124 Petro C, AA Carrell, RM Wilson, K Duchesneau, S Noble-Kuchera, T Song, CM Iversen, J Childs, G Schwaner, JP Chanton, RJ Norby, PJ Hanson, JB Glass, DJ Weston, JE Kostka. 2023. Climate drivers alter nitrogen availability in surface peat and decouple N2 fixation from CH4 oxidation in the Sphagnum moss microbiomes. Global Change Biology 29: 3159-3176 Glass JB, CE Elbon, LD Williams. 2023. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue: the anaerobic microbial ancestry of aerobic respiration. Trends in Microbiology 31(2): 135-141 Glass JB, HM Dierssen, CR Glein, BE Schmidt, DP Winebrenner. 2022. Defining and characterizing habitable environments in ocean world systems. Oceanography 35(1):30-38 Buffo JJ, EK Brown, A Pontefract, BE Schmidt, B Klempay, JD Lawrence, JS Bowan, M Grantham, JB Glass, T Plattner, C Chivers, PT Doran, and the OAST team. 2022. The bioburden and ionic composition of hypersaline lake ices: novel habitats on Earth and their astrobiological implications. Astrobiology 22(8): 1-19 Kolton M, DJ Weston, X Mayali, PK Weber, KJ McFarlane, J Pett-Ridge, MM Somoza, J Lietard, JB Glass, EA Lilleskov, AJ Shaw, S Tringe, PJ Hanson, JE Kostka. 2022. Defining the Sphagnum core microbiome across the North American continent reveals a central role for diazotrophic methanotrophs in the nitrogen and carbon cycles of boreal peatland ecosystems. mBio 13(1):e03714-21 Frenkel-Pinter M, A Petrov, K Matange, M Travisano, JB Glass, LD Williams. 2022. Adaptation and exaptation: from small molecules to feathers. Journal of Molecular Evolution 90: 166-175 Glass JB, WB Whitman. 2022. Methanogenesis. In: Gargaud M. et al. (eds). Encyclopedia of Astrobiology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Glass JB, P Ranjan, CB Kretz, BL Nunn, AM Johnson, M Xu, J McManus, FJ Stewart. 2021. Microbial metabolism and adaptations in Atribacteria-dominated methane hydrate sediments. Environmental Microbiology 23(8):4646-4660 Klempay B, N Arandia-Gorostidi, AE Dekas, DH Bartlett, CE Carr, PT Doran, A Dutta, N Erazo, LA Fisher, JB Glass, A Pontefract, SM Som, JM Wilson, BE Schmidt, JS Bowman. 2021. Microbial diversity and activity in Southern California salterns and bitterns: analogues for remnant ocean worlds. Environmental Microbiology 23(7):3825-3839 Glass JB. 2021. Metals, microbes, and minerals: the biogeochemical side of life, vol. 21 of Metal Ions in Life Sciences. (Guest Editors: Peter M. H. Kroneck, Martha E. Sosa Torres. Transition Metal Chemistry 46:423–426) Johnson AM, Y Zhao, J Kim, S Dai, JB Glass. 2021. Methane hydrate crystallization on sessile water droplets. Journal of Visualized Experiments e62686 Szeinbaum N, YJ Toporek, CT Reinhard, JB Glass. 2021. Microbial helpers allow cyanobacteria to thrive in ferruginous waters. Geobiology 19(5):510-520 Frenkel-Pinter M, V Rajaei, JB Glass, NV Hud, LD Williams. 2021. Water and life: the medium is the message. Journal of Molecular Evolution 89:2-11 Raut P, JB Glass, RL Lieberman. 2021. Archaeal roots of intramembrane aspartyl protease siblings signal peptide peptidase and presenilin. Proteins 89:232-241 Frenkel-Pinter M, AB Sargon, JB Glass, NV Hud, LD Williams. 2021. Transition metals enhance prebiotic depsipeptide oligomerization reactions involving histidine. RSC Advances 11:3534-3538 Glass JB, ET Cowan, KH Johannesson. 2020. Lanthanide rarity in natural waters: implications for microbial C1 metabolism. FEMS Microbiology Letters 367(22):1-20 ACS Article SJ Mascuch, S Fakhretaha-Aval, JC Bowman, MTH Ma, G Thomas, B Bommarius, C Ito, L Zhao, GP Newnam, KR Matange, HR Thapa, B Barlow, RK Donegan, NA Nguyen, EG Saccuzzo, CT Obianyor, SC Karunakaran, P Pollet, B Rothschild-Mancinelli, S Mestre-Fos, R Guth-Metzler, AV Bryksin, AS Petrov, M Hazell, CB Ibberson, PI Penev, RG Mannino, WA Lam, AJ Garcia, JM Kubanek, V Agarwal, NV Hud, JB Glass, LD Williams, RL Lieberman. 2020. A blueprint for academic labs to produce SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR test kits. Journal of Biological Chemistry 295(46): 15438-15453 GT Press Release Penev PI, S Fakhretaha-Aval, VJ Patel, JJ Cannone, RR Gutell, AS Petrov, LD Williams, JB Glass. 2020. Supersized ribosomal RNA expansion segments in Asgard archaea. Genome Biology & Evolution 12(10):1694-1710 Johnson AM, DJE Huard, J Kim, P Raut, S Dai, RL Lieberman, JB Glass. 2020. Mainly on the plane: deep subsurface bacterial proteins bind and alter clathrate structure. Crystal Growth & Design 20(10):6290-6295 GT Press Release Guth-Metzler R, MS Bray, S Suttapitugsakul, C Montllor Albalate, JC Bowman, R Wu, AR Reddi, CD Okafor, JB Glass, LD Williams. 2020. Cutting in-line with iron: ribosomal function and non-oxidative RNA cleavage. Nucleic Acids Research 48(15): 8663-8674 Szeinbaum N, BL Nunn, AR Cavazos, SA Crowe, FJ Stewart, TJ DiChristina, CT Reinhard, JB Glass. 2020. Novel insights into the taxonomic diversity and molecular mechanisms of bacterial Mn(III) reduction. Environmental Microbiology Reports 12(5): 583-593 Bray MS, J Wu, CC Padilla, FJ Stewart, DA Fowle, C Henny, RL Simister, KJ Thompson, SA Crowe, JB Glass. 2020. Phylogenetic and structural diversity of aromatically dense pili from environmental metagenomes. Environmental Microbiology Reports 12(1): 49-57 Cavazos AR, JB Glass. 2020. Simul-staining of manganese oxides and microbial cells. Limnology & Oceanography Methods 18: 362-373 McGlynn SE, JB Glass, K Johnson-Finn, F Klein, SA Sanden, MO Schrenk, Y Ueno, A Vitale-Brovarone. 2020. Hydrogenation reactions of carbon on Earth: linking methane, margarine, and life. American Mineralogist 105: 599-608 Carrell AA, M Kolton, JB Glass, DA Pelletier, MJ Warren, JE Kostka, CM Iversen, PJ Hanson, DJ Weston. 2019. Experimental warming alters the community composition, diversity, and N2 fixation activity of peat moss (Sphagnum fallax) microbiomes. Global Change Biology 25(9):2993-3004 Wang X, JB Glass, CT Reinhard, NJ Planavsky. 2019. Species-dependent chromium isotope fractionation across the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 20(5):2499-2514 Buessecker S, K Tylor, J Nye, KE Holbert, JD Urquiza-Munoz, JB Glass, HE Hartnett, H Cadillo-Quiroz. 2019. Effects of sterilization techniques on chemodenitrification and N2O production in tropical peat soil microcosms. Biogeosciences 16: 4601-4612 Weston DJ, MR Turetsky, MG Johnson, G Granath, Z Lindo, LR Belyea, SK Rice, DT Hanson, KAM Englehardt, J Schumutz, E Dorrepaal, ES Euskirchen, HK Stenoien, P Szovenyi, M Jackson, BT Piatkowski, W Muchero, R Norby, JE Kostka, JB Glass, H Rydin, J Limpens, E-S Tuittila, KK Ullrich, A Carrell, BW Benscoter, J-G Chen, TA Oke, MB Nilsson, P Ranjan, D Jacobsen, EA Lilleskov, RS Clymo, AJ Shaw. 2018. The Sphagnum Project: enabling ecological and evolutionary insights through a genus-level sequencing project. New Phytologist 217(1):16-25 Cavazos AR, M Taillefert, Y Tang, JB Glass. 2018. Kinetics of rapid nitrous oxide production from hydroxylamine oxidation by birnessite in seawater. Marine Chemistry 202:49-57 Bray MS, TK Lenz, JW Haynes, JC Bowman, AS Petrov, AR Reddi, NV Hud, LD Williams, JB Glass. 2018. Multiple prebiotic metals mediate translation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(48):12164-12169 GT Press Release Glass JB, S Chen, KS Dawson, D Horton, S Vogt, ED Ingall, BS Twining, VJ Orphan. 2018. Trace metal imaging of sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea at single cell resolution by synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy. Geomicrobiology Journal 35(1): 81-89 Stanton CL, CT Reinhard, JF Kasting, NE Ostrom, JA Haslun, TW Lyons, JB Glass. 2018. Nitrous oxide from chemodenitrification: a possible missing link in the Proterozoic greenhouse and the evolution of aerobic respiration. Geobiology 16(6): 597-609 EOS Article Bray MS, J Wu, BC Reed, CB Kretz, KM Belli, RL Simister, C Henny, FJ Stewart, TJ DiChristina, JA Brandes, DA Fowle, SA Crowe, JB Glass. 2017. Shifting microbial communities sustain multi-year iron reduction and methanogenesis in ferruginous sediment incubations. Geobiology 15(5): 678-689 GT Press Release Szeinbaum N, CE Kellum, JB Glass, JM Janda, TJ DiChristina. 2018. Whole genome sequencing reveals that Shewanella haliotis Kim et al. 2007 is a later heterotypic synonym of Shewanella algae Simidu et al 1990. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68: 1356-1360 Geobiology 15(5): 678-689 Okafor CD, JC Bowman, NV Hud, JB Glass, LD Williams. 2018. Folding and catalysis near life’s origin: support for Fe2+ as a dominant divalent cation. In: Prebiotic Chemistry and Chemical Evolution of the Nucleic Acids, Cesar Menor-Salvan, Ed. Springer, Berlin, Germany. Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology 35 Padilla CC, AD Bertagnolli, LA Bristow, N Sarode, JB Glass, Bo Thamdrup, FJ Stewart. 2017. Metagenomic binning recovers a transcriptionally active gammaproteobacterium linking methanotrophy to partial denitrification in an anoxic oxygen minimum zone. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:23 Warren MJ, X Lin, JC Gaby, CB Kretz, M Kolton, J Pett-Ridge, PL Morton, DJ Weston, CW Schadt, JE Kostka, JB Glass. 2017. Molybdenum-based diazotrophy in a Sphagnum peatland in northern Minnesota. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83(17): e01174-17 Bertagnolli AD, CC Padilla, JB Glass, B Thamdrup, FJ Stewart. 2017. Metabolic potential and in situ activity of Marinimicrobia bacteria in an anoxic water column. Environmental Microbiology 19(11): 4392-4416 Szeinbaum N, L Hui, JA Brandes, M Taillefert, JB Glass, TJ DiChristina. 2017. Microbial manganese(III) reduction fuelled by anaerobic acetate oxidation. Environmental Microbiology 19(9): 3475-3486 JB Glass, CL Dupont. 2017. Oceanic nickel biogeochemistry and the evolution of nickel use. The Biological Chemistry of Nickel (D Zamble, M Rowińska-Żyrek, H Kozłowski, eds). Metallobiology Series No. 10. Royal Society of Chemistry Tsementzi D, J Wu, S Deutsch, S Nath, LM Rodriguez-R, AS Burns, P Ranjan, N Sarode, RR Malmstrom, CC Padilla, BK Stone, LA Bristow, M Larsen, JB Glass, B Thamdrup, T Woyke, KT Konstantinidis, FJ Stewart. 2016. SAR11 bacteria linked to ocean anoxia and oxygen loss. Nature 536: 179-183 Kostka JE, DJ Weston, JB Glass, EA Lilleskov, AJ Shaw, MR Turetsky. 2016. The Sphagnum microbiome: new insights from an ancient plant lineage. New Phytologist 211: 57-6 Domagal-Goldman SD, KE Wright, K Adamala, LA de la Rubia, J Bond, LR Dartnell, AD Goldman, K Lynch, M-E Naud, IG Paulino-Lima, K Singer, M Walter-Antonio, XC Abrevaya, R Anderson, G Arney, D Atri, A Azua-Bustos, JS Bowman, WJ Brazelton, GA Brennecka, R Carns, A Chopra, J Colangelo-Lillis, CJ Crockett, J DeMarines, EA Frank, C Frantz, E de la Fuente, D Galante, JB Glass, D Gleeson, CR Glein, C Goldblatt, R Horak, L Horodyskyj, B Kacar, A Kereszturi, E Knowles, P Mayeur, S McGlynn, Y Miguel, M Montgomery, C Neish, L Noack, S Rugheimer, EE Stueken, P Tamez-Hidalgo, SI Walker, T Wong. 2016. Astrobiology Primer 2.0 Astrobiology 16: 561-653 Glass JB, CB Kretz, S Ganesh, P Ranjan, SL Seston, KN Buck, WM Landing, PL Morton, JW Moffett, SJ Giovannoni, KL Vergin, FJ Stewart. 2015. Meta-omic signatures of microbial metal and nitrogen cycling in marine oxygen minimum zones. Frontiers in Microbiology 6: 998 microBEnet blog Zhu-Barker X, AR Cavazos, NE Ostrom, WR Horwath, JB Glass. 2015. The importance of abiotic reactions for nitrous oxide production. Biogeochemistry 126: 251-267 Glass JB. 2015. Microbes that meddle with metals. Microbe 10: 197-202 Glass JB, CB Kretz, MJ Warren, CS Ting. 2015. Current perspectives on microbial strategies for survival under extreme nutrient starvation: evolution and ecophysiology. In: Microbial Evolution under Extreme Conditions, C. Bakermans (Ed.). De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany Glass JB, H Yu, JA Steele, KS Dawson, S Sun, K Chourey, C Pan, RL Hettich, VJ Orphan. 2014. Geochemical, metagenomic and metaproteomic insights into trace metal utilization of methane-oxidizing consortia in sulfidic marine sediments. Environmental Microbiology 16: 1592-1611 Glass JB, AT Poret-Peterson, F Wolfe-Simon, AD Anbar. 2013. Molybdenum limitation induces expression of the molybdate-binding protein Mop in a nitrogen-fixing freshwater cyanobacterium. Advances in Microbiology 3: 9-15 Glass JB, A Chappaz, B Eustis, AC Heyvaert, D Waetjen, HE Hartnett, AD Anbar. 2013. Molybdenum geochemistry in a seasonally dysoxic Mo-limited lactustrine ecosystem. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 114: 204-219 Glass JB, RP Axler, S Chandra, CR Goldman. 2012. Molybdenum limitation of microbial nitrogen assimilation in aquatic ecosystems and pure cultures. Frontiers in Microbiology 3: 331 Glass JB, VJ Orphan. 2012. Trace metal requirements for microbial enzymes involved in the production and consumption of methane and nitrous oxide. Frontiers in Microbiology 3: 61 Godfrey LV, JB Glass. 2011. The geochemical record of the ancient nitrogen cycle, nitrogen isotopes and metal co-factors. Methods in Enzymology 486: 483-506 Glass JB, F Wolfe-Simon, JJ Elser, AD Anbar. 2010. Molybdenum-nitrogen colimitation in freshwater and coastal heterocystous cyanobacteria. Limnology & Oceanography 55: 667-676 Glass JB, F Wolfe-Simon, AD Anbar. 2009. Coevolution of metal availability and nitrogen assimilation in cyanobacteria and algae. Geobiology 7: 100-123 Glass JB, DJ Fornari, HF Hall, AA Cougan, HA Berkenbosch, ML Holmes, SM White, G De La Torre. 2007. Submarine volcanic morphology of the western Galápagos based on EM300 bathymetry and MR1 side-scan sonar. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 8: Q03010