Where do EAS alumni get jobs? 
What is their career advice? 
Click alumni names on this link and in the alumni links below to read their stories.

Graduate Students

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Claire Elbon, OSE-EAS PhD Candidate (2020-present)
BSc, Microbiology, U Tennessee Knoxville, 2020
Interview here
Research: Microbiology of coupled methane and nitrogen cycling in extreme environment
Awards: Georgia Tech Presidential Fellowship; 2020, 2nd Place Best Talk, SBS; 2022 3rd Place Best Talk; 2022 NSF GRFP; GT EAS Graduate Student Service Award, 2022
Lea Adepoju, EAS PhD Student (2023-present)
BSc, Astrobiology, Florida Tech, 2022
Anais Gentilhomme, OSE PhD Student (2024-present)
MSc, U Alaska Fairbanks, Biological Oceanography, 2020; BSc, U Washington, Oceanography/International Studies, 2017



Undergraduate Students

Abdulaziz Alajlan (CS/ENVS)
Meghan McLaughlin (ENVS)
  1. PhD alumni

Dr. Rebecca Guth-Metzler

PhD, Biochemistry, 2023

coadvised with Loren Williams
Dissertation: RNA and Metals as a Window onto Ancient Biochemistry”
Awards: 2019, First Place, GT Carbon Reduction Challenge; 2020, 1st place Best Poster, SBS; 2021-2022, GT Astrobiology Fellow
ExplOrigins interview here
Current: Assistant Professor, Queens College, Charlotte, NC
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Dr. Abigail Johnson

PhD, Ocean Science & Engineering, 2022

Dissertation:  “Deep Biosphere Microbial Protein Interactions with Clathrates”
Awards: PEO Scholar, 2021-2022, OSE Fellow, 2018-2019, GT EAS Glen Cass Award, 2021, 1st place Best Talk, SBS, 2020 & 2021; 1st Place Best Poster, 2022 Astrobiology Science Conference
Current: Postdoc, University of Georgia

Dr. Amanda Cavazos

PhD, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, 2020

Dissertation:  “Interactions between reactive nitrogen and manganese: implications for marine nitrous oxide cycling
Awards: 2014 Georgia Tech President’s Fellow; 2014 Georgia Tech Goizueta Fellow; 2015 NSF GRFP Fellow; 2016 2nd Place Best Talk, SBS; 2017 & 2018 1st Place Best Talk, EAS Graduate Student Symposia; 2018 3rd Place Best Talk, SBS; 2018 GSA Research Grant; 2019 1st Place Best Talk, SBS; 2019 GT EAS Bradshaw Instrumentation Award
Current: Lecturer, U Texas Rio Grande Valley

Dr. Marcus Bray

PhD, Biological Sciences, 2019

Dissertation: “Iron as an Integral Constituent of Ancient Metabolism and Biochemistry
Awards: 2017 2nd Place Best Poster, Astrobiology Science Conference; 2019 3rd Place, Suddath Memorial Award
Current: Postdoc, Microbial Ecology, National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, Colorado
  1. Undergraduate, REU, and postdoc alumni

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Emma Aycock
BSc, Biochemistry, 2023
UG researcher 2023
Camille Butkus
BSc, Env Eng + EAS minor, 2022
UG researcher 2021-2022
Current: PhD student, U Pittsburgh
Bianca Costa
Bianca Costa
BSc, Env Eng + EAS minor, 2018
PURA researcher 2017-2018
Current: PhD student NSF GRFP, USC, Environmental Engineering
Elizabeth Cowan
Elizabeth Cowan
UG Researcher, 2020-2021
Biochemistry Major, Class of 2023
Current: Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Georgia Tech
Ricky Desai
Lab Assistant, 2017
BSc, ME + EAS minor, 2017
Current: US Marine Corps
Jessica Diaz
Summer Intern 2017
BSc, Integrative Biology, Harvard, 2020
Current: Research Associate, UCSD
Layla Ghazi
Layla Ghazi
BSc, Chemistry, 2019
UG Thesis, 2018-2019
Current: PhD student, Oregon State U
Kylee Graham
BSc, EAS, 2024
Current: MS Student, EAS, Georgia Tech
Emily Hamerton
Emily Hamerton
BSc, Biochemistry, 2021
CoS Early Research Award, 2017-2019
Current: Clinical Research Coordinator, UCSF
Ashlee Hauble
Ashlee Hauble
BSc, Environmental Science, St Michael’s College, 2017
ACE REU, 2015
Current: PhD candidate, UC Davis
Damian Horton
Damian Horton
BSc, EAS, 2019
Lab Assistant, 2014-2016
Current: Staff Engineer/Geologist at United Consulting
Lydia Jefferson
Lydia Jefferson
BSc, Environmental Science, U Missouri-Columbia, 2022
ACE REU student, 2021
Current: PhD student, Boston University, Earth & Environment
Cailin Kellum
Cailin Kellum
BSc, Biochemistry, 2018
UG Researcher, 2017-2018
Current: PhD student, UAB
Dr. Cecilia Batmalle Kretz
Frontiers Postdoc, 2014-2015
Current: Director, Bioinformatics, ICF
Kennda Lynch
Dr. Kennda Lynch
Ford Foundation Postdoc Fellow, 2017-2019
Current: Staff Scientist, LPI
Claudia Montllor Albalate
Dr. Claudia Montllor Albalate
PhD, Biochemistry, Georgia Tech, 2020
GT International Exchange, 2015
Current: Scientist, Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Global Blood Therapeutics
Miles Mobley
Miles Mobley
BSc, ME +  EAS minor, 2015
Lab Assistant, 2014-2015
Current: ORNL Hydropower Group
Helena Ochoa Dacenay
Helena (Ochoa) Dacenay
BSc, Coastal Environmental Science, 2014, LSU; MPH, LSU, 2017; MSc, Env Eng, U Florida
ACE REU, 2014
Current:Pollution Prevention & Control Program Supervisor, Orange County, California
Tyia Pratt
Tyia Pratt
BSc, Civil & Env Eng + Math Minor, Lincoln U, 2019
ACE REU, 2017
Current: Technician, Quest Diagnostics
Read Tyia’s Interview with Pittsburgh Promise here
Amy Pham
High School Student Researcher, 2020-2023
Current: Undegraduate student, Stanford University, Chemistry
Caleb Purcell
Caleb Purcell
BSc, Comp Eng, 2014; MSc, ECE, 2015
Lab Assistant, 2013-2014
Current: Lead Researcher/Software Engineer, Fortiphyd Logic
lily Sandler
Lily Sandler
BSc, EAS, 2019
PURA Researcher, 2017-2019
Watch Lily’s PURA research video here
Chloe Stanton
Chloe Stanton
Nadia Szeinbaum
Dr. Nadia Szeinbaum
NASA Astrobiology Postdoc Fellow, 2015-2020
Current: Innovation Scientist II, Beyond Meat
Hector G Torres-De Jesus
ACE REU, 2023
Current: BS student, Marine Biology, University of Puerto Rico, Humacao
Helen Tran
BS ENVS 2024
Courtney Williams
Courtney Williams
Gloria Woods Spellen
Gloria (Woods) Spellen
BArch+ EAS minor, 2014
MArch+Urban Planning, 2018
Current: Facility Programming Consultant, Jacobs
Rowan Wolschleger
Rowan Wolschleger
Lab Assistant 2016-2020
Jieying Wu
Dr. Jieying Wu
Dr. Jieying Wu
Postdoc, 2015-2016
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Manlin Xu
BSc, EAS, 2022
PURA researcher 2020-2021
2021, 2nd place Best Poster, SBS
2021, Best Abstract, SBS
Current: Research Assistant, Brown University